Index | Description | Type of tree | Reference |
Taxonomic distinctness (TD) | Reciprocal of number of nodes between species and root of tree | node-based | 1991 : Vane-Wright |
To account for polytomies, count number of descendants at each node rather than number of nodes | 1990 : May | ||
Species originality (SO) | Assign each node in a tree a value of 1 if more species descend from that node than its sister node, and 0 otherwise; sum the values at the nodes between a species and the root; smaller values indicate greater distinctness | node-based | 1992 : Nixon & Wheeler |
Pendant edge (PE) | Length of the branch connecting a species to the rest of the regional tree | distance-based | 1990 : Altschul & Lipman |
Species evolutionary history (SEH) | Portion of a phylogenetic tree attributable to a species; shared branches are apportioned equally among descendant lineages | distance-based | 2006 : Redding & Mooers |
Originality of species within a set (OSS) | Values for each species that ‘maximize the expected dissimilarity between two species randomly drawn from the set’ | distance-based | 2005 : Pavoine |
Aggregation of metrics according to :
Index | Description presence-absence |
Description abundance-weighted |
Equation |
Phylogenetic diversity (PD) | 1992 : Faith Sum of all branch lengths in the portion of a phylogenetic tree connecting the focal set of species |
2002 : Barker For the subset tree, the number of branches multiplied by the weighted mean branch length, with weights equal to the average abundance of species sharing that branch |
Mean phylogenetic distance (MPD) | 2000 : Webb Mean phylogenetic distance between each pair of species in the focal set |
1995 : Warwick & Clarke (1982 : Rao) Mean phylogenetic distance between pairs of individuals, excluding (or not) same-species pairs |
Sum of phylogenetic distances (SPD) | 1997 : Crozier Sum of phylogenetic distances between each pair of species MPD x number of species pairs |
2007 : Helmus Abundance-weighted MPD x number of species pairs |
Mean nearest neighbour distance (MNND) | 2000 : Webb Mean phylogenetic distance from each species to its closest relative in the focal species set |
Weighted mean phylogenetic distance from each species to its closest relative, with weights equal to species’ abundance | |
Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) : basis for a measure of biodiversity, that would consider all possible units
(genes, features, species, ecosystems).
Required information about expected relationships among the objects provided by :
Link between PD and species richness (SR) ?
PD of a set of species from a phylogenetic tree : minimum total length of all the phylogenetic branches required to connect all those species on the tree.
Loss of species : loss of features exclusively represented by these species = endemism
Loss of area : loss of SR with the loss of species that were exclusively found in this area = complementarity
Expected PD : PD given a set of species’ extinction probabilities.
Species case of Weitzman’s general expected diversity formula.
Delta PD q : change in expected PD if probability extinction of species (e.g. in a given area) changes from q
to 1.
The value will be large to the extent that the species shares long ancestral branches with few other species.
PD50 : change in expected PD with a current probability of extinction of 0.5 for all species.
The value will be large when the species has long ancestral branches with few other descendants.
Chao’s framework
Effective rare PD : defines “Valley numbers” in which the flexible parameter provides increasing focus on low abundance.
Effective amount of rare feature diversity
PhyloSor :
UniFrac :
Node-based tree : simplest type of phylogenetic tree which represents only the topology, with no information on the lengths of branches connecting the nodes.
Distance-based tree : with quantitative branch lengths.
Ultrametric tree = in which the distances from the root to every branch tip are equal
= if the branch lengths are proportional to divergence time, all branch tips are the same distance from the tree base (first node) = a) on the graph, b) is non-ultrametric
Balanced tree : all tips are separated from the root by the same number of nodes, which is equivalent to saying that all lineages bifurcate the same number of times.
Imbalanced tree : one lineage descending from each node connects directly to a tip with no further bifurcations.
Polytomie : node where the lineage splits into three or more (most commonly due to data limitations).
Evenness : an even distribution of branches within the community has branches with about equal abundance; uneven distributions may be dominated by one or a few abundant branches.
Faith D. P. (2013). Biodiversity and evolutionary history: useful extensions of the PD phylogenetic diversity assessment framework. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Jun; 1289:69-89.
Vellend, M., Cornwell, W., Magnuson-Ford, K. & Mooers, A. (2010). Measuring phylogenetic biodiversity.